
Friday, March 5, 2010

living intentionally ch.4

i wanted to dive deeper into my commitments for 2010 & i wanted to bring you along for the ride. please feel free to share any thoughts, suggestions, comments, encouragements or questions as we go along.

4.  get organized & stay that way

this is probably as self-explainatory a  commitment as they come.  i'm a mess.  a big mess.  a wreck even.  i am a clutter queen.  i am a hoarder.  i have no problem dropping things in their wrong-ful place and leaving them there.  i am lazy. 

in our home we have much more space then what we need so it seems logicial that everything, and i mean everything should have it's own little home.  and it should live there.  always.  but nevertheless....there are always a pile of dishes, clothes strewn about, a mountain of shoes by the door, blankets all over the den & two full rooms in our house are so messy they are unlivable. 

part of my problem is that we stay pretty busy and we are rarely home.  when i am home, organizing & cleaning isn't one of my top...10 things i'd like to do.  another problem is that i haven't created a "home" for everything yet.  i still have dressers to paint, shelves to hang,  etc. and i don't know what to do with the junk they will hold until they are done.  these two issues equal one big mess.  i a committed to having a home that is in order.  it will be done.

i have the guts to post this commitment now because just last night i really kicked off my attempt.  i tried to clean, organize, declutter, and put things away.  i'm on the right track.  everything still looks awful but we're going places.  i know it takes time, so i need to take the time. 

martha is always good for some inspiration so let me share some with you...

and this {link} will take you to a place of pure organization.  looking for tips for every space in your place?  click it! 

{links to things you may have missed}


  1. I ♥ organizing. Family members literally call me to come & organize their cabinets & drawers. I'm good at the organizing {I'm actually about ready to do a series on it} but I'm still messy. I stack & pile. I have to get that under control. I have too much stuff too. That is the problem.

    All of those pictures are so pretty to look at!!

  2. Hmm, I'm inspired. I actually really LOVE organizing, but I hardly ever get to it, and I'm home almost ALL the time. This equals a great deal of stress for me. So, I have also been endeavoring to organize and simplify, but I'm moving at a snail's pace. I'll come back and get more inspiration from you!


i am thrilled to see your comments. please give me some more to be thrilled about...