
Friday, September 2, 2011

generational blessing

i am incredibly blessed to have an amazing family, especially parents.  my own are incredible people and then i also married into such a loving & encouraging group of people.  recently some really precious encounters with the Lord have happened with benny's mom & one of his aunts.  sometimes i think i miss out on these interactions with the Holy Spirit because i get too caught up in the temporal details in front of my face.  the words of promise delivered to my mom-in-love were such a gift & i want to make sure that our families remember them always.

from mary brzinski [my m.i.l]:
I am a 49 year old woman, however, I would consider myself a mere youth as far as a sojourner maybe 10, maybe less than that. I went to church on a regular basis but never really got it until I woke up at 40. As a relatively new Christian, I am trying hard to do the will of God. I continually pray to God that He reveal to me what his will is so that I can do that instead of my own will. It is often difficult to hear His voice amid the noise I expose myself to on a daily basis. Not just audible noise but visual noise as well. I wake each day with the same eagerness to do God’s will and as the day progresses I begin to see where I had gone astray either in thought or deed or neglect. I do hope that before I die, I will be able to complete a day doing entirely God’s will, more importantly, that God’s will is so enmeshed with my own that I can’t do anything apart from his will.

In my quest for God’s voice, I read the scriptures daily and sometimes attend lectures or talks that I think may bring me closer to hearing what it is that God wants to tell me.

A friend told me of an amazing scripture scholar who was giving a talk one night in a neighborhood clubhouse not far from my home. Not only did he give teachings, but he also often gave prophetic words to the attendees of his talks. I decided on the spur of the moment to attend this lecture to experience this myself. When I got there, this man who looked extraordinarily ordinary began to teach. He could have been my neighbor or an acquaintance that I would not have given a second glance. His teaching though began with such enthusiasm. He began with a story that told of an experience of hearing the voice of God and how it manifests itself in his life. Not an audible voice, but a voice in his head and heart that prompts him to do or say something. As the story unfolded, he shared how this voice led him to minister to a group of people that had been praying at that moment for God to send them someone who would minister to them. It was very convincing and in my heart I knew that what this man was saying was true, because I had experienced the same sort of voice several years ago. When his teaching was done, he began to call the attendees up one by one to give a prophetic word to them. He called me up and began to speak to my heart in a way that I hadn’t experienced. I will share what he said but I must first tell you that I had been in constant prayer and pursuit of God asking that he let me know what his will is for me. I want to do His will and not my own and needed confirmation that I was doing just that. When this man began to speak to me, he said the following:

“Mary, you are one special lady. You are very blessed. You have had a good life. God has done this for you. He has put the right people in your life at the right time. You are doing just what God wants you to do. You are walking with God. And, God wants you to know that your blessings will be handed down to your children and your children’s children.” As he said this, I didn’t know what to say except thank you. He continued, “I don’t believe I have given this word to more than 20 people in my entire ministry.” How special did I feel? I was on a cloud. I hope I never do anything apart from his will.

Glory and Praise to God forever and ever. Amen.

mary, this is beautiful.  thank you so much for recording it [with such eloquence] & sharing it with our family.  what a testimony to God's goodness & faithfulness.  i pray that our whole family will follow your example of fervently seeking the Lord.  i also pray that 'blessing' doesn't mean power, earthly comfort or gifts; i pray that the blessing poured out on you, your children & your children's children will be the gift of knowing God intimately deeply - always.


  1. this is so great. thanks for sharing such beautiful words!

  2. As a parent I know there is no greater gift than to know that your child is walking with the Lord. I know Mary feels blessed by you and Ben, just as I do.


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