
Friday, April 2, 2010

in the next three weeks update.

three weeks ago i made myself a mini resolution list.  a to-do list of sorts but of things i was really excited about.  i was so thrilled with my follow-through i thought i'd share my results / happenings with you.  here's my list...nearly completed.

in the next three weeks i want to:
make banana bread:  we did it!  and it was deliciously scrumptious.  i found the recipe {here} and demand that you try it right now if you like banana bread in the slightest. 

plant 3 little pots with grass seed and set them in the windowsill for SPRING:  i planted one little pot & four smaller ones.  the larger is living in our kitchen where it gets lots of morning sunlight and the 4 smaller ones i think must be living in a cave because they have grown much less.  i think i stuck them somewhere that gets only indirect light...bummer.  but it was my dream to have them in that sill.  i also planted these itty bitty sunflowers. they are just starting to grow...the miracle of life.

have our guest bedroom be clutter free & dressed up in her new bedding:  still cluttered but the bed is looking gorgeous.  after we made it i thought: "maybe i'll sleep here".

be tan:  i'm not like my once bronze self but i am most certainly more tan than see-through so definitely an improvement.  i just wish it would stay forever rather than fade, i think i've lost about 70%-80% of my tan-ness thus far.  but on the upside...it is supposed to be gorgeous and warm here for the next week so perhaps i can catch some rays in sweet ol' kentucky.

cook something in a crockpot: fail.  and i don't have a plan to amend that either.

be sweet to my hubby:  i've been sweet right benny?

watch alice in wonderland: loved it

have the most refreshing, wonderful adventure with benny:  we packed our suitcases, ran away & had an amazing time together.  it was a blasty blast & i loved every second of it
{via flickr}

read a book or two: i read 'case for christ' over spring break.  i read it once in high school but was lured into reading it again after one of the yl girls said she was going to look at it.  it has some interesting arguments for the reliability, validity and 'case' for scripture, the gospels and the life, death & resurrection of Jesus.  i'm trying to find 'the cost of discipleship' by bonhoffer to read with my friend jenna but i can't find any library or friend that i can borrow from...downer.

write fundraising letters for our summer camp trip with students:  only written one paragraph.  i must get on the ball.

paint & skirt a desk

get fresh flowers for our home

make a pillow:  i didn't take any pics...sorry.  i'll share soon.  it is made from two napkins & i love it.

run outside:  i have not done this yet but i did go on a 3 mile walk yesterday.  that isn't too shabby for me {the non-exerciser}.

repaint a dresser:  i hope that this gets going this weekend.  i bought a bundle of hardware for this thing and can't wait to get it looking good!

cheer the cats to the national championship:  i did cheer but maybe not loud enough.  i don't want to talk about it.

write love notes

see cory's baby...due in 9 days!: he's here! we got to meet him & he is a doll & he is blessed with the greatest of parents.

so that's it for now.  i am currently patting myself of the back.  however, as soon as you cross one thing off its place is always filled with another dream or task.  my list for the next 3 weeks is too embarrasingly long to share with the world but i promise to keep you filled in along the way {wink wink}.

all my bloggy love & happy friday. 
i hope that you allow yourself time to reflect on the death & resurrection of Jesus this weekend.


  1. Jen Jen,
    We have The Cost of Discipleship and would be glad to lend it to you! I will bring it in to you at work on Monday. Good thing about having to drive in to work...I get to see three of my fave fave people!!! (namely: you, holz, and susan)

    Can't wait!

  2. Wow! You have been a busy girl! I LOVE your potted plants on the stacked books - very creative and stylish. I have the Case for Christ book, too. Ron and I both thought it was an excellent read. Okay, friend, I have your post up and running. Ron and I were out on a long run before it rains, so I was a little delayed, but I can't wait for people to check out YOUR Heart Sessions this week!

  3. It looks like you're being so productive! So proud :) I'm also really glad that I got to see you this weekend!


i am thrilled to see your comments. please give me some more to be thrilled about...