
Thursday, December 19, 2013

thanksgiving [yes, thanksgiving]

why not post thanksgiving happenings the week of Christmas?  i love the reminder to give thanks, it can also be pretty convicting when you realize you've spent eleven months being a little less than grateful for all the amazing gifts we've been blessed with [not just material, but relational, family, opportunities, provision, the promises of God, etc.].  i pray that God grows our little family to live in gratitude over the next year [and always]. when next november rolls around i hope i don't get broadsided with the same heart issue.  i pray that Jesus would be our everything. that we'd believe and live like HE IS ENOUGH. because he is.


the weekend before thanksgiving benny played in the first annual turkey bowl football game!  it was awesome; such a great turnout, guys and girls ready to rumble and then share a meal together. the only downer was that it was twenty-something degrees and windy. ouch...feel the burn. i'm not much of an athlete [surprise!] and i may actually be anti-competitive so emmie and i opted to be cheerleaders. i lost my voice so we were the silent type of cheerleaders. 

look at all those people!!! mainly Young Life leaders and friends of those folks. 
emmers did really well for how cold it was. I stuck her in this snowsuit for the first time that i originally thought was WAY TOO BIG for her.  go figure, i could barely zip it up, but it did do its job once we got it on!  we snuggled in puffy blankets until she was too restless and then we headed out to thaw & nap.
i think if it had been warmer emmie would have tried to run onto the field and play with her poppa. maybe they'll have a spring game so we can see?  i think she'd love that.
on thanksgiving day we got to go to my cousin's for 'supper'. this was the first thanksgiving since my sweet grandma passed away and we always had thanksgiving at her house in the past. maggie was an amazingly gracious host but it was a little sad to not be at Grandma's with her ridiculously infectious laugh in the place we're accustomed to. still a wonderful day with family and after about 5 minutes emmie was comfortable enough to start raiding drawers and screaming wildly. i'd say it was a success. :)

we hopped from one fam to the next and headed up to northern ky to see benny's crew. since he had a few days off school we wanted make the most of it and some extended family was in town so it was double great. i took almost no pictures [fail!] but i did get these gems!!
ecb in nonna's heels

they love each other
photo booth pics with this doll...in my ducks

last but not least, we got to celebrate our precious little babe silas' birthday!  i cannot believe he's four.  i can't communicate how shocked i am that he is that old.  i checked his birthday invite at least a dozen times to check his age.  time has just gone by so fast.  he is such a sweet-hearted little guy and is growing into a wonderful little boy.  unbelievable.    i love that he takes time to look after emmie.  he's really sweet to her and him with his little sister - i melt.  your momma and daddy are doing such a great job loving and investing in you buddy.  we're so blessed to watch you grow!  happy birthday sweet boy.
si had a great lil party complete with cupcakes, cousins and scooters. em even crashed a 'little picnic in a tent' situation that was taking place.  she didn't ask permission, just made herself at home.  hilarious.  we'll work on manners / social ques someday soon.

so thankful for all the precious time with family and friends this season.  i pray that we live in thanksgiving, now and forever more.

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