
Saturday, January 19, 2013

all the good things

we're halfway through and this weekend has already been sweet - a little update from our neck of the woods.

last night we had our younglife team to the house for a planning overnight.  i loved people being in our house.  since we have a little babe & ben works full-time now we have people over less it seems but i would like that to change.  i feel more alive when people are in our home - i need that.  i loved emmie getting to play with her aunts and uncles too! 

this morning mikey made us all a very yummy breakfast and we hammered out some business.  i was rewarded for my hard work with a trip to the newly opened anthropologie here in lexington!  i tried to explain to ben why i'd like to go to a place where i can't afford anything - it's pretty enough just to look.  i love that all the pieces have something a little special, love that they're quirky [even though i don't do it much in my house], and love love love to see the displays.  i want like 6 differents bowls, one set of measuring cups, an apron & dotted cups :)  i really really really wanted one picture hanging on the wall for emmie's room.  i don't know if it was for sale.  i bought none of those things.  then a girls lunch sans kiddos.  perfection.  a visit from auntie holly, angie & si along with snuggles with momma and poppa topped off one wonderful saturday in my book.

i'm deeming sunday, get crap done & craft day.  this needs to happen.  i need to make some sweet things for sweet friends and knock out a few things for work. and i just remembered there's no school on monday so we get poppa home for a whole extra day.  hallelujah long weekends!

this is em midweek.  she has a mini-black-eye from a "computer for dinner incident" and when i took off her sleeper her socks were on her chest.  what a mess.
em also took her first selfie this week.  like actually took my phone and took a picture.  i'm not claiming that he had any idea what she was doing, but she really did this herself.  look at that face!!!
in other news, i've been trying to avoid the flu that has taken over our city and pass our time by purchasing extremely inexpensive rugs.  2 or 3 more and our house will be ultra-cozy.  i have some ideas of what i'd like to find, but i'm holding out, hoping to find some flea market special.  they are just such a big investment, i can't swallow the price tag on most i find.  UO let me get one floor closer to warmth.
baby emmie approves!
i know this is completely random but can i just rant for a minute?  ikea.  i love / hate you.  you show me things that i want, i neeeeed online.  they are not available online.  i look at "our store" which is actually two hours away [but i could get some help to make it mine] but it is also unavailable there.  what the what?  that means there is absolutely no way to get it to me.  even if i clicked through every. single. store. to see who has it, they won't ship it to you.  how stinking lame.  they have a pendant lamp that i am desperate for.  arg.  has anyone found away around this?  help!

this week kicks off two weeks full of adventures and i hope to be better than my normal self at documenting those.  be back soon ya'll.

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