over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we came. we're celebrating life & giving thanks for our many blessings with benny's sweet family today. the food is stewing in the next room and i'm more than ready to chow down. poppa tony has been cooking since last night & ben may have bought 3 different types of eggnog. yes, i said three.
over the last week we've had so much fun and with this five day weekend we are living. it. up. we have big plans for snuggles & giggles with em, visits with lots of family and friends, cleaning, maybe a date, a family trip to the museum & getting our abode christmas-ified.
last night we were able to go watch the cats play, which is always a joy. one of ben's student's parent's [geesh that was the long way around] gave him an early christmas present :: TICKETS! they know how spoil him! i miss emmie when we're away but it is really nice to get out of the house and just be able to focus on being besties.
and look who we found!! the ryder's. what a stinkin' treat! they live in virginia so you can imagine my surprise to find them in the next section. it's been too long since we were able to visit. i spent our brief visit trying to convince them to come back to another longer adventure!
over the past few days emmie and i have gotten to see lots of friends. we captured a few shots! lunch dates and girl nights [nail polish fo days...]. seeing friends, those in high school and those who've graduated make me so happy. we get to witness people becoming who they're going to be for life. it is pretty crazy. i'm so thankful for those relationships.
happy thanksgiving day all. i hope, no matter your circumstances, that you can give thanks for our generous Lord who has saved us from much!
"every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." james 1:17
"give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done."
psalm 105:1
Thankful for YOU & group messaging.