Monday, March 3, 2014

surviving winter

twice in one week, i'm on a roll!  ow ow!

today was snow day number 12 for good ol' Lexington and school has already been cancelled for tomorrow.  my teacher of a husband will be going to school til july.   it was wonderful to have my sweet hubs home for the day but my little monster was actually, kind of a monster.  it was one of those days where lack of napping led to one baby meltdown after another.  bedtime couldn't come soon enough - for either of us.

but even on the hard days, i have it pretty good.  here's a few from the last week trying to survive winter.

emmie just started letting me leave bows in her hair!  you have no idea what a huge development this is for us!  i have been collecting hairbows for 19 months in anticipation of this!  and now that her bangs are constantly in her eyes it's more of a necessity than just an accessory.  i wanted to send ben a pic of em in a bow and this is the face she made when i said 'smile!'
one great way to make it through eternal frozen nightmare is with an adorable scarf.  this little stinker helped me enter and win a giveaway from my bestie, cory!  what are the chances!?  i always threaten her to pick me & she never does, now my luck is turning around!  i submitted this pic of em in her eclectic joy  baby scarf, how could it not be lucky? cory's clearing out all her fall/winter scarves to make room for spring.  grab them while you can!
over the weekend we got to celebrate our sweet friend, lu's birthday, a little earlier than her actual birthday.  thai food for everyone.  i wanted a sweet family shot.  hey, we tried.
i always bite emmie's cheeks, like play bite not for real, and i guess she's catching on.  sadly for her, my cheeks are a little less adorable to nibble.
which brings us to today.  today, like i said, was one of those days.  i know i have it super easy, our life is crazy blessed but today i felt like i cleaned up the same pile of toys 10 times, emptied to sink full of dishes to turn around and it be filled to the brim again, and was a tad low on patience. [by tad i mean a lot low].  but those aren't the things you want to remember in your family blog / journal.  you want to look back on flowers and puppy dog tails but sometimes that ain't true so lets call it how it is.

in all the frustrations that come, there are those sweet, totally worth it moments too.  we spent the morning at home because the roads were pretty bad.  i made breakfast for us which was yummy if i do say so myself.  we pretended we were at josie's with the brehms & junkers with chef jen jen. 

later on we ventured out.  cabin fever is setting in thick around these parts.  i cannot wait to feel the warm sun [will that ever happen!?] and take em outside to run around daily.  oh man, she can't wait either.

we ate linner as a family in an almost empty restaurant, which was good because ems was a hellion.
and then to burn some energy we took em to the book store to run some laps.  she found a $25 little stuffed bunny [what?!] that we had to pry from her tiny grasp upon our exit.  my favorite part besides watching em with the train table and trying to climb into the fountain was this scene...
playing dollhouse with poppa & tiny kitty cat dolls.  real men sit in tiny chairs and play with their babies.  ugh, my heart.

soaking up these little moments with my favorite people.  hope you're surviving the snow with your favorites too!
* * * * *
i have friends who are working on fun business ventures doing things that they love.  life is short, why not do things you enjoy?!  i am so proud of each of them for putting themselves out there.  i love these girls and i must say, my friends are so talented.  check these ladies out and support them, they're the best!
eclectic joy: handmade, beautiful infinity scarves for ladies and babies
thirsty heart designs:  digital and physical prints to make your home happy & inspired
two belles & a bride:  two precious girls with a passion for people and a love for the wedding industry have started a blog to be an encouragement toward the Lord and eye-candy of all things pretty.
emndesigns1: brand new instagram vendor with digital prints for purchase coming soon.  she is so super creative and i abuse her talents often! 
stella bella boutique:  hopefully returning to the scene in the very near future my dear friend rachel makes unique & thoughtful handmade jewelry.  maybe shoot her a message and tell her to give the world her jewels stat!?


  1. I love the picture of Emmie and Ben at the little table. Sometimes you just have to get out of the house. Love you, Momma

  2. You rock Jen Jen! Thank you for the shout out & for being such an encouragement & cheerleader for all of us. The Two Belles love you dearly :)

  3. Haha...Ben in the tiny chair! We just wept to Barnes and Noble today. Usually the train table is packed with kids and we practice sharing. It sometimes goes well and sometimes not. :)

  4. WOW! These images are stunning! You have a true gift. Gorgeous work!

    South Florida Photographer


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